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Image by Jonas Denil

Environmental Medicine

- Heavy metal toxicity

- Mold / mycotoxins

- Other chemical exposures

The Integrative Approach to Environmental Medicine

Stopping Exposure

Finding and eliminating the exposure is an important first step, though not always possible. In some instances, a past exposure has deposited in a slow-clearing pool within the body, whereas in others there is current exposure that is either in high amounts or smaller amounts that may be associated with a deficiency of metabolism that results in toxic accumulation.

Supporting Detox Pathways

Nutritional, dietary, and lifestyle protocols to support detoxification and elimination is the cornerstone of every treatment plan, and will vary depending on the toxin and an individual's health history.

Chelation and/or Binding

In almost all cases, we identify the ideal binder to capture the toxic materials in the gut so that they are not reabsorbed. In some cases of higher toxicity, we may utilize chelating agents to help pull toxins out of the body directly.


While removal of the toxin is key, supporting disturbed systems is important for post-detox care. Making sure key minerals and nutrients are restored, as well as supporting hormonal pathways, cell membrane damage, immune system dysregulation, and other processes.

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